Anyone got a knackered os giken twin plate?


Does anyone have a knackered os giken twin plate lying around there not using anymore?

I need the clutch cover as mysteriously mine has snapped 4 of the bolts of the middle of the cover that hold the clutch forks in and these nuts are not available to buy so the only option is to get another cover..


vss irvine

Well-Known Member
get a machineshop to make you some, or keep an eye on ebay for a fooked clutch from another make of car


btw id ask myself why have they broken and then fit all new 12.2 ht bolts in.. otherwise others may brake aswell.. just my 2 p's worth :)


Active Member
Whenever I need anything like that I just drive around an industrial estate looking for metal lathes through the shutter doors and go in and ask.