Anyone good with 'R's up north?


New Member
I just seem to be hitting brick wall after brick wall and could do with someone popping over to look at something for me.

I'm in Doncaster or Sheffield, so if you can give me a hand that would be great.

I'm now getting an odd noise from the crank pulley for 30 seconds or so when starting from cold. I'm getting desperate now as I have a trip to Germany starting on the 16th of April..

Drop me a PM with their/your contact details.

bob the builder

New Member
hi mate. whats your oil pressure reading when you start?
is it deffo the crank pulley making the noise.
what kind of noise?


New Member
Oil pressure is good and as it was before i replaced the oil seal, pretty sure it's the crank pulley. Should have a better idea tomorrow when I've refitted the turbo and am able to fire it up again.

Noise is hard to explain, i'll try and get a recording of it tomorrow.

Fast Guy

Staff member
What sort of odd noise? belt squealing?

Is it definately the crank pully not the water pump or alternator bearing?
Is it only when cold or everytime you start?


New Member
Only when cold, doesn't sound like a belt squealing either.

I'll try removing the alternator belt before starting it tomorrow and see if it makes a difference.

geoff pine

Well-Known Member
Have a look down at the pully with the engine running if it looks like its wobbling its F@@ked (starting to separate).


New Member
OK, I'll def check for that..

I should imagine a replacement from Nissan wont be cheap?


New Member
I had the oil pump in pieces, it looked ok and appears to be building / holding pressure OK.

What has me stumped is the fact that it goes away and doesn't appear to come back although i'm yet to take it high up the rev-range due to a problem with my actuator which i've now sorted. Fingers crossed i'll have it back in one piece tomorrow and be able to investigate further.

The reason i asked for help is i'm running out of time and can't take any more time off of work in the run up to the 16th.


New Member
Tried to record the noise tonight..

First of all I removed the alternator belt and the noise became apparent, didn't want to run it too long so i popped the belt back on and started her up. The noise had dissapeared completely. So a bit of a fail in that respect..

Studying the pulley you can see just a very small amount of wobble, so I wonder if the pulley is just starting to go?

Going to monitor it and attempt to get a replacement for the weekend.