Is this the same guy who came on the forums to abuse a previous customer with a failed engine? - I can see why he feels the need to get in first and say "it's not my fault if you rag the shit out of it".
If you bought a new car and flogged it, would you really expect the dealer to repair the damage you did? You know they wouldn't because you hadn't followed the run-in process nor the regular servicing maintenance; this is no different... especially with some home modifications added.
As you say Boby, motorsports engines always give-out after a while; the trick is getting it to last just long enough to finish the race/series/event. - Look at how often F1 engines failed before they changed the rules about how many you could use.
Drag cars are another good example; they're regularly stripped-down and rebuilt as they just don't last otherwise.
Interesting to see Mr Norris weigh-in to say that it should have been set-up to stop the abuse, and that would have avoided this.