Am I going nuts!


Well-Known Member
Sometimes my steering wheel is dead straight in line all normal. I then drive as normal and then I swear the wheel goes to the 12:05 position being straight. I go round some corners and its lined up properly again. this happens most of the time, sometimes a whole journey will pass and the wheel will be correctly lined up and other times it can change 2 or 3 times.

tracking is all good and it dosent pull to one side.


Fast Guy

Staff member
Rack itself, Badly worn cv joint, other worn suspension components??

I'm sure I remember someone having this problem a few years back, but can't remember exactly what it was.


New Member
try grabbing the wheel and pull or push it hard sideways and see if there is any loose movement.


Well-Known Member
no movement in the wheel, however if i rock the steering while stationery i get a knock. dosent feel like a load of slack though

red reading

Active Member
lower ball joints or rack joint or track rod ends will cause a knock whilst stationary and is the most common problem.


Well-Known Member
I have brand new ball joints and steering arms and track rod ends, but what exactly do you mean by rack joints? i will check them out

Fast Guy

Staff member
Cv joint? Whats the theory in a cv joint causing the steering wheel to move position?
I had a knackered cv joint on an old car, it had been run dry and was basically falling apart inside. Driving down a straight road at about 60mph the steering just went weird and started jerking to the right although the car wasn't realy moving much. So I turned round and went straight home. When I took the driveshaft off the car and knocked it out of the cv joint, the internals of the cv joint just pretty much fell out on the floor they were so worn.