alaskan guy needs help with alcohol injection!


New Member
i am in an interesting position forcing me to run alcohol injection. i live in alaska and the highest grade gas we can get is 90 octane american.(cant remember how much ron) i could try and run aviation fuel but that has its own complications and high price. so i have no choice but to use alchohol injection just to keep my engine alive! what i am wondering is what kits are some or you running on your Rs.(specific brands, links and prices would be helpful) there are many options but i would like to learn more about this before i purchase. should i go single or dual stage injection? also what nozzle size? im really looking for good quality and function. i am basically trying to even out my octane to what is safe to run in the R but i wouldnt mind getting some extra power. :twisted: oh yeah also i really do have a GTIR not just the engine. any help would be much appreciated.



Fast Guy

Staff member
You could just use straight water.

ERL water injection is about the most common kit over here. I don't have it myself tho.


Active Member
You could just use straight water.
i think he's trying to increase the octane level so he doesn,t run the risk of det. rather than cooling factor.
i would sujjest you get hold of toloul and add seprate tank/ line/ pump with fifth injector for better result's ( would need aftermarket ecu/contoller) or if you got the facility to run methnol inj. or better yet brew your own petrol.( for all above sujjestion i recommed you keep strict control of feuling otherwise you,ll have health and safety issues.)
in regard,s to nozzle size's varies on how much you intend to inject. nozzles size's of .3- .7


Fast Guy

Staff member
Just adding water will have the same effect (most prefer a water/meths mix tho). ie lower octane fuel will to a degree act above what is expected of it's normal octane level. So you could run weaker or more boost with the same octane level, which without water (or water/meths if you prefer) would need a higher octane rating to achieve.

Read this

Thus the water helps regular pump gas behave much like controlled-burn, high-octane race gas


better yet why dont you just get ur engine tuned to run on 90 ron?? instead of spending big money to go alcohol injection?

simple things like advancing ignition, reducing boost :'( or upgrading ur cooling system (ie a more constant temperature in block) can help to reduce the chances of detination

from the sounds of things 90 is all ur going to get, and alcohol will be expensive regardless of how ur going to get it


Fast Guy said:
Read this

Thus the water helps regular pump gas behave much like controlled-burn, high-octane race gas
The heat absorbed from the water's phase change also acts to buffer the combustion event, slowing it down. Thus the water helps regular pump gas behave much like controlled-burn, high-octane race gas
now i do believe i have a disagreement here; for one just slowing down the combustion wont make it a controlled-burn, two u will have to further advance your ignition timing to compensate for this, and three, at high rpms you wont be able to complete the burn, which will result in greater stress on exhaust valves and manifolds as it will greatly increase temps around those areas and reduce possible hp!


New Member
the water injection option does sound promising. but is it enough? taking into consideration that i only have 90 octane available. what controllers would i need for the kit to kick in at set boost levels? what kits come with those controllers? also i read something to the effect that it can be linked with the TPS. anyone know about this?


New Member
AndrewD said:
better yet why dont you just get ur engine tuned to run on 90 ron?? instead of spending big money to go alcohol injection?

simple things like advancing ignition, reducing boost :'( or upgrading ur cooling system (ie a more constant temperature in block) can help to reduce the chances of detination

from the sounds of things 90 is all ur going to get, and alcohol will be expensive regardless of how ur going to get it
this also sounds like a good idea but i am unsure about the presets for air fuel mixture in the ecu. it was mapped to be running 100 octane. and i am pretty sure the ignition needs to be dumbed down not advanced. the question is: can the ignition be retarded enough to run the 90 octane? as far as cooling goes, i take it you mean cooling the block by means of a possible radiator upgrade and/or exterior oil cooler. the above talk about cooling intake temps via H2O seem like they would also accomplish this. does anyone have more info or feed back on this? can i simply retard the ignition timing? or do i also need some kind of additional cooling whether it be by injection or by radiative liquid cooling. i just want to make sure that my engine is safe!


sorry dude but retarding the ignition timing moves the spark closer to TDC, where advancing moves the spark further away from TDC (which limits maximum in cylinder pressures)

you want to advance the spark, trust me


Well-Known Member
AndrewD said:
you want to advance the spark, trust me
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

If he trusts you he'll have a blown engine :roll:

Any muppet knows you have to retard the timing to run lower octane fuel :wink:


New Member
AndrewD said:
you want to advance the spark, trust me
with information like that i'd trust you about as much as i'd trust micheal jackson to have my kids ( if i had any) over for a sleep over.

advancing the ignition on poor quality fuel will, in no uncertain terms kill the engine.

The problem you have is backing the timing off to much is going to lose response low end :( not good. However, you can run more advance before the onset of det with the water injection, only problem being if anything goes wrong with the W.I your vunerable to det again :( not good.

you could e-mail ERL about the water injection and see what system they'd recommend, as i'd imagine the mappable system would be better for you than just the boost activated one...

In regards to mapping i'd speak to someone in your country about it as we dont have the problem of really s h i t fuel in the uk...


Well-Known Member
kieron said:
with information like that i'd trust you about as much as i'd trust micheal jackson to have my kids ( if i had any) over for a sleep over.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

RETARD I'm taking about the timing here :wink:


i cant believe that no one has thought of the only true realistic option for this fella............................................................. he's gota fit a flux capasitor and raise his gigawats to above 3 then aim for the clock and hope for lightning :D


New Member
haha thanks for the help guys. except that guy who was trying to get my engine to explode! i hope he didnt intentionally do that. i will see what else i can find out and see what the guys on sr20forum have to say.
thanks again.