Air leak on 1bar

Pete Watson

New Member
Since having my boost increased to 1bar i have been having problems trying to seal the various hoses. Fitted new clips and thought i had sorted it but it has returned again. I have rechecked all the clips but nothing seems loose, had a look around all the hoses but all seems ok. Tried the 3x bolts holding the elbow on to the turbo all seem ok.

I'm pretty sure it's a Boost Leak as it only sounds when boost is coming in, the funny thing is it only last about 5 minutes and then goes as if it's something expanding when warm, my other thought was maybe the DV no sealing properly until it has worked a few times or again when it gets warm.

Has anybody else had this problem?
Can you point me in the right direction.

Cheers Pete

moved to problem section...zia


try disconnecting the vacuum hose from the dv and blocking the end off with a bolt if the sound dissapears you know where your problem is :wink:

the chief

If the spring in the dump valve is to weak, the boost pressure will force the piston open at high boost [ even with the vacuum pipe off ]


Gainspeed Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 5:46 pm Post subject:


try disconnecting the vacuum hose from the dv and blocking the end off with a bolt if the sound dissapears you know where your problem is
wouldnt this cause unlimited boost? :shock:


New Member
no dumpvalve / blowoff valve, your thinking of wastegate actuator

are you using the standard BOV or aftermarket

Pete Watson

New Member
Spent some time today checking around and think i may have found the problem. I kept thinking air leak and to be honest that is what it sounds like, today i found the Lamba Sensor was loose in the Exhaust Elbow, took it out put new copper seal on it screwed it back in and all seems ok, don't know why it should have come loose, maybe just a coincidence that it started once boost was turned up :?

Cheers Pete


As its been mentioned, has anyone who's tried blocking the little vacuum hose off noticed any funny noises afterwards? I had a go to see what difference no BOV makes and my car makes an almighty groaning noise :shock: and won't boost.
I reckon my BOV's knackered :( , anyone got any other ideas?