air con stay or go ?????????



:der: just another quick one
ive been on doing the gaskets for the exhaust and the turbo and ive noticed that the oil feed pipe for the turbo isnt the nicest thing in the world to try and bolt back on (in other words its a c##t !but by removing the air con pump (compressor ) unit ill have loads more room
now ive been thinking about taking the aircon off it for a while now and i figured ive started so ill finish
has anyone else done this and is there anything to watch for when doing it (tips or best way to do it kinda thing)
i never use the aircon there would be l;oads more room with out it (no cmpressor no pipes etc etc
what dya think people

ps by its getting too f#####g cold at 6am to be working on me R:sad:


Bin it most of us have by now, Saves loads of weight and makes working on the turbo a lot easier.

Not hard to do just a matter of unbolting it all once you've got rid of the gas in the system, Which you should really get an Air con place to do for you, That or use a screw driver to let it all out to go kill the planet lol.

You will need a new shorter belt once it's been removed.



yer i was just gunna crack off a pipe n let it escape that way ....(just keep out the garage for half hour hehehe) ive got a shorter belt ready just wanted a few views 1st
cheers mate


GazGti-R said:
yer i was just gunna crack off a pipe n let it escape that way ....(just keep out the garage for half hour hehehe) ive got a shorter belt ready just wanted a few views 1st
cheers mate
If you never use it then it's a total waste of time, The other side of the coin is that a future buyer of your car might like to have air con fitted, But with the values of the pulsar going the way they are I doubt it will make a whole lot of difference.

By the way you should feel the weight of the A/C pump and it's cast iron bracket :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: .



one has mate thats why a wanted shot of it that and the other factor ...loads more space under the bonnet