Air con question



if the aircon is gassed up and working, would their be some form of gas release when the pipes are removed from the compressor/condenser ?

sorry if it's s stupid question, I know nothing about aircon :)




Well-Known Member
Yes, the refridgerant gas in the system will be released.

I used to work for a refridgeration company and i think its against the law to release it into the atmosphere. I know companys can get fined for it.

But if the pipe accidently fell off...... :wink: :wink: :roll:

Why? Are you removing the aircon?


removing the engine :)

No gas whatsoever was released so I guess it never worked before I got the car. Thanks for the info.


New Member
air con

yeah yeah the pipe just fell off me lord :roll: if you take all the air con stuff off then weigh it its a lot of weight saved. :) what have you done to your engine to have to take it out :shock: nothing to serious


what have you done to your engine to have to take it out nothing to serious
Wasn't me, honest guv :D I bought the car with numerous internal bits of engine poking out of 2 big holes in the block and sump. :)

I'm undecided as to whether to put the air con bits back in when I sort another engine out. Might be nice to have in the summer but the compressor was fookin heavy and looked a little worse for wear. Getting it all checked out and gassed up is another cost I could do without (unless it's very cheap).



New Member
air con

when i took all the air con off of mine the thing that seemed to weigh the most was the plate that the pump fitted to.the reason i joke about the air con gasses being released into the atmospere is cause a local halfords was prosacuted to the tune of 5000 big one's for air con gases and 2 counts of antifreeze down the drain cost them 3000 a piece :lol: in the summer open the window :D good luck with the car :)


Do you guys think it'll really make a difference taking the aircon off? performance wise?? i know it's not gonna take a 2 seconds off your 0-60 time but is it worth it/notice a difference?

Fast Guy

Staff member
Urban_R said:
Do you guys think it'll really make a difference taking the aircon off? performance wise?? i know it's not gonna take a 2 seconds off your 0-60 time but is it worth it/notice a difference?
Do you notice when you have a couple of passengers? OK so the complete air con system only weighs in at around 30kg, but it all adds up. :wink:


I took mine out (well torque sport did) and I swear it runs cooler now than it did before. Its not much but it all helps :wink:


Well-Known Member
fastguy said:
Do you notice when you have a couple of passengers? OK so the complete air con system only weighs in at around 30kg, but it all adds up. :wink:
And the aircon saps a bit of power from the engine too, probably only a couple of hp but like fastguy said "it all adds up" :wink:


New Member
I took mine out, f*ck all wrong with mine either, was in perfect working order. Just in the way all the time.

I've lived to regret it, not cos of hot weather,

It was the only bit on the whole car the missus liked :roll: