ah, what a day


New Member
Thought i'd share todays experience with you all.

I was up bright and early this morning, all excited about getting my car setup correctly by Ed at fusion.
This was soon dampened by huge traffic jams around the M25.
Never mind i thought, plenty of time so on we drove.
Got to Fusion 3 hours later at 11am. :(

So Ed wasted no time in ripping my pipework out and replacing them with pipework required for the z32.
"Do you have a new air filter for te z32" asked Ed "Doh!" my first mistake.
Here comes the second.
"Do you have a connector for it?" :(
With some improvisation the problem was solved ( thanks Ed ), disaster averted.

So me and my brother set off the to the nearby cafe and let the pro get to work on the injectors and fitting the nistune.

Once we arrived back at the workshop the car was ready for the rollers.
A bit of a delay but we weren't bothered, we got to watch a 950+ bhp skyline on the rollers :)

Right, my cars on the rollers seems to be going well i thought until Ed calls me over.
Seems there's a problem with my knock sensor and engine temperature was a little unstable.

ok not to worry, swerved the knock sensor problem for now and keeping an eye on engine temps.
Now lets try upping the boost a little.

Omg a dawes device which doesn't work properly. Ed just couldn't get it to adjust boost well enough.

So we settled for 0.9bar which made 278.2bhp on a friggin hot day.
I was pretty happy with this especially as the car now drives much better being smoother and comming onto boost much quicker.

Right off for a test drive. Pop pop bang bang bang, wow sounds like a machine gun on overun haha.
With a few little tweeks alls well and much more civilised.

Many thanks to Ed for living up to his reputation and delivering excellent customer service and quality products.
I will certainly be back once i have things sorted.


I did the Z32 filter fail too, youre not alone. Also epic failed with me injectors (was told ready to fit, but still should have checked!). He must think where do us mongs come from LOL! ;)
Oh and M25, think yourself lucky you got off in 1 piece. I was rear-ended on way to Eds, tomtom failure, electric windows stuck halfway down in rain... Must be a curse .. /cue twilight zone music


Staff member
Nice to read a post where someone says "what a day" in a positive way! Glad it all worked out in the end.