AFR readings


Active Member
I’ve noticed that on idle the AFR readings are a little off compared to how they used to be. From 13-14 to 11.5 -12.5 eventually touching on 13.

I don’t think I have any leaks anywhere and was just wondering if the increase in ambient temperature would affect it?


Active Member
Think it all depends how it's mapped but think stock works of the narrow band sensor in the exhaust elbow and working in a closed loop with the ecu and targets 14.7 afr in the idle and low load areas of the map if that makes sense.

I am by no means no expert but think that how it works


Active Member
Update: took the car to mappers yesterday to check if the AFR readings are correct or not. Car is running correctly. Everything is as it should be. Seems the sensor is possibly kaput. Got a new one so will know for sure pretty soon.