advice please



can you tell me where the fuel cut comes in on the r? i was just out in it there was driving it hard when all of a sudden in 4th gear it just cut out. changed to 5th and it pulled away fine. did it a couple of times. coud this be a fuel cut or do i have another problem?

Jonnie R

Is your R running standard boost/ecu etc?

I had a fuel cut on mine before I got my power FC fitted. I could hit it in most gears particularly when the weather was cold. 5th would cut at about 115mph with WOT, $hit myself the first time it happened, the car totally bogged out and lost all power, had to depress the clutch take it out of gear and back in again to carry on.

If that sounds identical to what you're experiencing and you are running stock ecu and boost then it sounds like fuel cut to me.



New Member
Jonnie R said:
Is your R running standard boost/ecu etc?

I had a fuel cut on mine before I got my power FC fitted. I could hit it in most gears particularly when the weather was cold. 5th would cut at about 115mph with WOT, $hit myself the first time it happened, the car totally bogged out and lost all power, had to depress the clutch take it out of gear and back in again to carry on.

If that sounds identical to what you're experiencing and you are running stock ecu and boost then it sounds like fuel cut to me.

Stop talking sh1te!!!! :lol:

The R doesn't have a fuel cut! :doh:


its sound exactly like you say. it is running standard ecu and 1 bar of boost. not sure what speed i was doing tho. is it something i should be worrying about?


It sounds to me like it's the speed limiter mate, my speedo broke recently thus disabling however it bypasses your limiter, now I'm having exactly the same problem as you described, cuts out running it hard in fourth and if you give it a few seconds then throw it into fifth it's fine. Just get rid of the limiter, problem solved.


New Member
You can get the ecu remapped to stop the limiter, or you can buy a speed limit defender and fit that. Mine was the same. About 112MPH.


my R hits 130mph on a private road (honest) then cuts all accelration till it goes back to 100mph, then it accelerates back up.
someone told me it could be something to do with the speedo, but i cant see how if it only tells you your speed.:wacko:


i had mine doing 145mph on a private road and still pulling. but then i buggered up my dials fitting a white dial kit ooops! so not working now but never thought that would have effected it.must have so if anyone has a set lying about could you please let me? thanks.