advice on fitting a frount mount

andy gtir black

New Member
i have just bought a front mount and it is goin to be harder than i thought to fit :doh: i was wondering what tool to use or how to cut holes in the wings for the pipes to go through.i hav searched but cant find no info anywhare on this.
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plasma cutter / angle grinder, or just perforate it ( drill lots of holes ). I used an electric hacksaw.


You can ether use a 3" hole cutter if you can get hold of one, Or do as which was to drill loads of small holes and cut it out like that, Then smoothed it off with my dremel grinder....



andy gtir black said:
cheers what do u do with the expantion tank and scoosher bottles
The expantion tank will just about squeeze in between the pipe work, Or just get a longer hose and stick it where ever you like :lol: :lol: :lol: ....

Washer bottle will need moving to the boot I'm afraid, Took me about an hour to sort out the wiring and pipework ;-) ......



Active Member
What i did was grind a big square hole and then rivit a stainless steel plate with 3inch hole over the top but it stil not perfect and is a bit of titting about.


andy gtir black said:
cheers what do u do with the expantion tank and scoosher bottles
Depends on the intercooler kit, with the Forge for example the scooshy bottle stays where it is and the expansion tank just moves round 90' but stays in the same place.

Fire & skill

Vintage member
i cant believe you guys!! i just bent the holes by hand using pliers, honestly the metal is really thin, it was a piece of pi55, i even got it to look like it was meant to be like that.

if its the hybrid kit then you use the holes that are already ther but just make them bigger as i described.

the front mount is really easy to fit, the biggest pain was relocating the washer bottle but even that was a doddle.

there is enough room to leave the battery where it is, but you need to unscrew the battery tray and reposition it. same with the expansion tank - just take it off and remount it 90 degrees from where it was, like from 12 oclock to 3 oclock if you get my meaning (im so sh!t at explaining the simplest things!).

hope you have a good angle grinder for the cross member :lol:
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Fire & skill said:
i cant believe you guys!! i just bent the holes by hand using pliers, honestly the metal is really thin, it was a piece of pi55, i even got it to look like it was meant to be like that.

if its the hybrid kit then you use the holes that are already ther but just make them bigger as i described.

the front mount is really easy to fit, the biggest pain was relocating the washer bottle but even that was a doddle.

there is enough room to leave the battery where it is, but you need to unscrew the battery tray and reposition it. same with the expansion tank - just take it off and remount it 90 degrees from where it was, like from 12 oclock to 3 oclock if you get my meaning (im so sh!t at explaining the simplest things!).
hope you have a good angle grinder for the cross member :lol:

snap! i did the same, pair of pliers and bend the metal underneath, then flatten it with your favourite bosher!
it is also better to make the hole a good inch bigger than the circumferance of the pipe so you have room to manouvre with angles etc, and it wont rattle then.
as for the washer bottle!! do what i did, theres a bloke selling the bag type on ebay for a tenner with twin pumps, this can be fitted under bonnet easily and saves you the job of running all the pipe and wiring:thumbsup:


you heathens :shock: :roll: , So you bend the metal up out the way and it just starts to rust :der: , If you can't do the job properly then don't bother :roll: ....



nothing wrong with that robbie! sand it and spray it after you've boshed and bent it!jobs a good un! and stronger as area is now reinforced.