A question!!


New Member
I just purchased my R and it is my first. I was driving it home and after a while can smell fumes coming into the cabin.

Any ideas what this could be ? Vacuum leak ? Etc ?


Staff member
Exhaust? - I used to have one of those Nismo back boxes, and I think they must have made it from cheese.

It's unlikely to be a vacuum leak, but it's quite possibly fuel (from 20-year old hoses perishing) or exhaust (as above). If you only notice it after some spirited driving, there's a chance it's your brakes cooking... or the clutch slipping.

As Ben says, you need to be a little more specific.


Active Member
Without further info, I'm going to have a random guess at the flexi section of the exhaust starting to blow. When mine went it used to stink the cabin out. You noticed the exhaust blowing at all?


Active Member
I'm guessing its singed p'yabs from the last owners ballsack rubbing.

I'm disgusted at your attitude to noobz, it's people like you who are destroying forums. ballsack rubbing indeed.....i'd have said it's dried spunk on the steering wheel.


Active Member
While you're checking out the smell, whatever it is.....



New Member
Thank you to those with genuine replies, it smells like exhaust fumes. Not an oil burning smell or clutch burning smell. I wad driving on the freeway at the time, the car also has a walbro updated fuel pump if that also helps


Active Member
Is the tailgate seal knackered?

Any holes in the exhaust (except at the end)

is the exhaust knackered

the caps lock was on and by the time i noticed i couldn't be arsed to go back and type it all again


New Member
I'll have a look tomorrow and check the tailgate and the exhaust manifold gasket aswell. Thanks