A good days polishing


New Member
What better way to get to know a new car then with a damm good wash and polish :)
So i went to a mates house at about 8am and set about masking off the plastics .

Had to stick some tissue up its nose , would want any polish up there really Lol

Then i make the tea / coffee and my mate David starts the real work .

Then i play follow the leader as David applies verious layers of pre wax , wax , cop coat and hardener stuff and i buff it offf.
As allways with my mate's handy work what a result .

All finshed by 9pm so a long day but a good day .
Needless to say , but i'm well happy how it came out .


New Member
Thanks for the comments all .
Not sure how old the paintwork is as it was done in Japan , The car came over in Sept 09 .
Product wise . We used a combination of ,
Autoglym (there version of G3) ,
Mothers polishes and waxes and Dodo juice .


New Member
Great Job Lee will paying you a visit nxt time! if i ever get the rusty heap of old jap crap, back on the Road


New Member
Thanks all , Nick your welcome down any time and my friend is thinking of doing a few cars to generate some cash , i'm sure i could get you a good deal when you get yours up and running .
Would be great to get some local meets going as there dosent seem to be much going on in the south west :cry:
Ps it was dodo Lime wax we used .
Darky having seen your R at Japfest i'd say your hands do just fine :shock::lol: