a few words of thanks

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
right iv posted this in here as Kieron (scooby dreamer) wouldn' t see it in the other section :wink:

just wanted to say thanks to Kieron the diesle weasle and Si 00sid for helping me right out with the removal of my engine, rebuilding the box properly and refitting the whole damn lot!
special thanks to Si who left my place at 00:30 in the teeny weeny hours of last friday morning. damp and covered in oil after getting the lot back in and slightly worse for wear after a number of hours putting up with my car, my incessant droning and my abusive neighbour :roll:

HUGE thanks guys, i owe you one :D

cheers, Stu


New Member
Dooie Pop Pop said:
just wanted to say thanks to Kieron the diesle weasle and Si 00sid for helping me right out with the removal of my engine, rebuilding the box properly and refitting the whole damn lot!
some on here may think i'm abit thick :roll:

but look at the above again and you will notice how i did the easy bit and left someone else to sort out the mess :shock: :lol: :lol:


Active Member
Lucky you - I couldn't evem get anyone to help me with my seats :x :roll: :lol: :wink:



New Member
taking them out is p!ss easy :lol:

you've only got to undo stuff, havn't got to remember where it all goes :lol: whip it all off and dump it on the floor whilst trying hard not to lose any nuts and bolts.

mine came out in january and i havn't got a clue where half the cr@p is that is required to put it back in again :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: not even sure where the bolts are that hold the prop together :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:

although i've had a cunning plan with that anyways 8)

glad your all sorted stu, let me know when you want clutch doing and i'll put you in touch with someone who actually knows what they're doing :wink: :lol: :lol: