a few niggles i need some help with!!



Hi guys hope your all well. i have just spent out a shed load of cash on getting my exhaust fixed and have finally got my car back after bout three or four weeks. It has not been driven much over the past three/four months so this may be part of the problem but it was runnning alright before it had the exhaust sorted. I am finding that after about 5 minutes of driving my temperature gauge right up and past the "H" mark and only drops back to half way after the car has been turned off for around 5 mins but then it very quickly goes right up again! also once the car is warm and just ticking over revs keep idling up then dropping up down then back up like the accelerator is bein revved very slightly. I dont really want to spend too much more cash if i can avoid it but i will do whatever it needs, as im in the process of selling it but im not going to sell it untill everything is sorted with it.
Any Advice would be muchly appreciated


revs going up and down is called hunting! this is more than likely caused by an air leak somewhere, maybe a vacuum hose split or come off, so check all vacuumb pipes etc.
obviously its overheating, are the fans cutting in?
are the top and bottom rad hoses hot?
like matey above said has it ran out of coolant, and needs bleeding?
need more info on that one buddy!

ps just read bit about exhaust!!! check lambda sensor connections and sensor itself!
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I havent tried bleeding the system yet, there is a tiny amount of pressure coming from around the radiator cap which i will replace. all the hoses are hot and the fans are cutting in. the inlet pipes and outlet pipes are hot so im assuming the thermostat is ok, there is coolant in the system and is staying at the correct level.


Active Member
The temp issue sounds like a problem with either low water, or a airlock - as per the above bleed the system, although as fast guy has mentioned it could be the pump.



Active Member
andypulsargti-r said:
how do i do a fault code check?
It's the second sticky down in this forum !

If your radiator cap is leaking, you need to replace that ASAP. The system needs to be pressurised to work properly, if it can't pressurise, coolant will leak and the system pressure and temperature won't be stable !
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