5000 rpm and dead!!!



Hi Im really hoping somebody can help me cos im pulling me hair out and i havent got much left.. I bought a pulsar gtir about 2 months ago and has been fine up too about two weeks ago, The problem is when i put the foot to the floor the car starts to kangaroo a little, and the power has really decresed then when the car gets too 5000 rpm it dies and will not go any more!! looking at the boost guage it seems fine, it goes right up as you would expect but the power just isnt there any more. Please help..


New Member
have you done a fault code check ???

see top of section

failing that could be sh!tty fuel filter, would be nice if it was as easily sorted, or fuel pump might be knackered.

do a fault check and see if anything comes up, then start looking elsewhere.


just read how to do that so im gonna give it a go in the morning.
cheers for the advice :)


Does it suck air in heavy??????? could be a blocked CAT if you still have it?
you should of taken it off by now anyway. :lol:


Just done the code check thing and its just 5-5 so im still stuck, Im gonna have a look at the cat but how will i know if its blocked with out taking it off???


Pull ur HT leads out and look for water, mainly #1. They do fill up and can cause it to miss


Ok i just checked my cat by removing it and seems to be fine, But while i was removing it one of the bolt heads snapped off leaving the threaded bit stuck inside the hole... so im now really really chufed withe me car..
I also checked for water and there isnt any.. So back to the first step.
I was told that the timing maybe wrong, Would this cause it not to rev above 5000? I must also add you guys responded really quick and i thank you alot. :D


Active Member
Your timing wouldn't have adjusted itself unless your dizzy cap is loose.

I think you need to look at the fuelling... check your fuel filter isn't full of crap. Then start thinking perhaps your fuel pump is on the way out. The fuel filter is a service item so it's not a bad thing to change it anyway if you haven't already.

The other thing to check is that you haven't disturbed the wiring to the Throttle Position Sensor. If this isn't on properly the car will run shitely at anything above idle really.

One other silly question... you haven't been out in the car after a little toke and put some diesel in have you ?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

GeeTee 8)


Im going to look at the fueling tomorow, But while i was looking today ive noticed a few things the first being i have oil in my intercooler is this supposed to be there? and the second thing may sound stupid but i dont know so im gonna ask, I found a little white pot thing for oil i think. But its empty and i dont know what to top it up with?? its located near the brakefluid pot. There was some oil like scum on the bottom of it. Can you divoldge? im stuck but i love messing with my car so i kind like problems..lol



if it is at the top left o the engine bay then it's the clutch fluid pot...and it shouldn't be empty :shock:


Well well well, I owe you all the biggest thanks, The problem is solved the fuel filter is compleatly caked with sh**. The thing is it was a new one so it looks like i got to clean my fuel tank out thanks again... :D


New Member
kieron said:
failing that could be sh!tty fuel filter, would be nice if it was as easily sorted, or fuel pump might be knackered.
I got something right then 8) :lol:

Hope thats all it is..

As for the oil in the intercooler try flushing out the standard seperator and see if it improves.


A little oil in the intercooler is normal though, the standard oil seperator isn't great, so some residue is unavoidable. I cleaned my intercooler every six months or so, as obviously a gunked up 'cooler isn't going to flow very well.


Maybe your very lucky and have got a tomei 2.2 stroker kit as that dies over 5k aswell :lol: :lol: :lol:



I found a little white pot thing for oil i think. But its empty and i dont know what to top it up with?? its located near the brakefluid pot. There was some oil like scum on the bottom of it.
If this is what i think it is...which is the clutch fluid pot...then it shouldn't be empty I telsya.... am I right here or wrong? :?


yep it is the clutch fluid and nope it shouldnt be empty, so i suppose i should top it up. And as for cleaning out the ic , What shoud i use or do you mean just flush it under a hot tap? Also i noticed a pipe had come off near the actuator. Now ive put it back on it really doesnt have that much kick, Whats this for??


New Member
its probably what controls the actuator that opens your wastegate which is why you now dont have as much kick as you did :shock:


sounds like you have been running unlimited boost :?

New plug leads plugs rotor arm dizzy cap and fuel filter sorted my car rite out :wink:


Cheers peeps youve been most helpfull im going to invest in a new dizzy cap and r arm.. :D