


The aim is 400bhp where should I start?

Ive got full exhaust system and induction kit so what next?

What sort of cost are we looking at?

What sort of power is avalible without internal upgrades?


New Member
400bhp, sorry, 399.6bhp has been done on standard engine by a member on here but it did give up recently and is now off for rebuild.
So whilst it is possible, it is inadvisable.

300bhp is aavailable reliably, cheaply and without internal upgrades... maybe a little more.

400bhp requires a lot, most expensive of which would be forged internals, bigger turbo, ECU, Boost Controller, and lots of little bits to make it all work like injectors, bigger air flow meter, fuel pump, front mount, and more... Gearbox also likely...

Also important to get a good mapper for when ecu being tuned.

Cost - 300bhp could be got for only a little more - safe to run 1bar on standard internals. maybe another £500ish, £1k max I think.

400bhp - lots more...
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You can do 400bhp (399.7) :lol: , I worked my way up to 400 bhp on a standard engine and it lasted 2 years at this level but you will need lots of other expensive stuff to keep it in one piece matey ;-) .

The main thing that kept mine together in my opinion was the fact that I am running a Motec ECU 8) , And that I'm also running very good cooling with a 53mm alloy rad and 19 row oil cooler, you will also need at least 600-700cc injectors and a good turbo that will flow enough air for you're needs.

My engine did lose compression a while ago but now having taken it apart I can't work out for the life of me why :? , Everything appears to still be in good nick, The pistons look ok as does the head and head gasket, But maybe the ring lands are broken or its just a case of ring ware after running that much boost for so long :twisted: .

But it all goes to show that it can be done with out damaging the engine to badly, I'm sure if it was ring ware I could just fit another set of over sized rings and get a few more miles out of it :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: , But my name isn't Ginger the bodger so I'll do it properly :thumbsup: .



Staff member
Put it this way, on top of what you've got:

300hp, boost controller, fuel controller and map, £750

400hp, everything under the sun, £7500... and that's without the internals!!!!

Where should you start......... stop...... can't resist.........read the FAQs

Sorry but its true, I still reference them after 5 years ;-)