15" Wheels



In desperate need of some wheels...ideally 15" so I can use my current tyres.

Condition.... not important...
style...not too important...

Price....the idea is to keep this cheap....I may as well buy new if the cost starts creeping up.

Ideally some bashed up old 5 spokes will do the job.

I have to buy these as the other are going to get damaged when they come off...the last owner did up the nuts so tight they cannot be undone and I'm going to have to cut the wheels off.....OMG of all the things I thought would go wrong in the first few weeks of ownership.....hacking the wheels off with a grinder was not one of them...

appreciate any help. cheers


where you based mate?
bring the car down to me if your not too far away! il get them undone for you without damaging wheels


I'm near newbury...risking that drive might not be sensible...thanks for the offer of help

Here's the problem...

The last guy did up the nuts so tight that the actual alloy nut broke in half when I tried to undo it. One on each of the front wheels.

I got a gripper in there (like a socket but with a serated inside profile) but this just rounded the alloy nut. So now (within the "tunnel" on the alloy) I have the nut shoulder and some rounded hex section.

To top it off...I need new disks and need the old one as a pattern, so even when this is done it's still gonna be off the road!

If you've got any good ideas I'd be keen to hear them...and if you've seen this before and got round it...it might just be worth risking the drive.
07891 565493


ok see what you mean now.
2 ways to do it

1) get a drill and drill through the shoulder and crack it
2) remove the hub or get a mini grinder and grind the back off the stud, then the wheel will knock off and pull the stud through with it.


Active Member
pulsarboby said:
ok see what you mean now.
2 ways to do it

1) get a drill and drill through the shoulder and crack it
2) remove the hub or get a mini grinder and grind the back off the stud, then the wheel will knock off and pull the stud through with it.
Or, as it's an alloy nut, you could get an impact gun socket that's slightly smaller than needed. Place it over the nut as usual and hammer it on. As the alloy is relatively soft, it should go ver it but, be a tight enough fit to get it undone.

I will say, I'd go with Bob's option 1 though.


Yeah - it's a bitch...had the car just over a month...it's running 320 BHP....so this kind of problem is the very last I expected.....fuel, air, running gear etc etc I'd have put up with...but a bl**dy wheel nut ???

The car has 15" TSWs so getting a drill into the remains of the nut is difficult/impossible as it's set so far back in the wheel.

Hub off seems to be the best approach but after looking again I don't reckon it's possible to actually get in there to undo it while the wheel's in place.

I followed your link...don't suppose you've got any old wheels knocking around?
I want to do this cheaply...but equally don't really want Halfords specials...


why cant you get a drill bit in there down side of stud?
hasnt got to be a big drill bit but must be sharp, it will come loose once youve drilled it, and its only alloy anyway!

only 15's i have are split rims that have just come in (and there mint condition) with toyo proxis (almost new) so no cheapies sorry, as these will go for around £300
have some light weight 15's 5 spoke! on another car i have, will let them go for £200 if thats any use to you


cheers youngsp...they're too tight to do that though

I got a 20 stone tyre fitter to take the others off...and he was using a 3 ft extension (and broke his reducer) so I don't think an impact gun would do it.

I've even loosened the other three and taken a short drive to try and create some movement between wheel and stud/nut...no luck.

I've always been too tight to buy new wheels for car (as considered them a total luxury) and now it looks like I have to buy some for a car that's sooo not about looks....I'll get the arches rolled and get some 19" spinners on there...that'll get some friendly responses on this forum I bet !!


yeah il get some for you later today matey, will pm them to you.

try the drill first though, then you wont need any wheels, and will have more beer tokens lol


Pulsarboy - I've done...was a complete pig, but it's done....so as you said....I can save the beer tokens.

Ended up getting through 2 cylindrical drill attachments and a few normal drill bits. 1st one drilled out OK....cylindrical bits were knackered by the time they got near the end of the second one....took extreme action and let the car down on the knackered stud/nut....worked a treat....I can fit my new brakes now.
thanks for all the advice and offers of help....cheers :p