1.08 60ft???????

Fast Guy

Staff member
I've been waiting for these results from the York dragway web site of an allegedly 1bar standard turbo Gtir doing 11s. His terminals would suggest that sort of power, but his 60ft are fantastic:shock: How the hell has he done it????

 Reaction 60 Foot 1/8 ET  1/8 MPH 1/4 ET 1/4 MPH 
  1.370    1.173  7.668   83.800  12.273 107.170 
  1.322    1.830  8.278   83.570  12.901 106.360 
  1.806    1.088  7.359   85.030  11.912 107.880 
  1.539    1.404  7.628   85.400  12.156 108.610 
  1.439    1.526  7.751   85.830  12.258 110.080 
  1.546    1.594  7.893   85.170  12.474 106.730

R-Type, you saw him launch, would you say he was doing those times?

Karl from Driffield, if you're reading this, what's your secret?


Still waiting on some shims!
Not even PRO Drag cars can do that....

Think you'll find its an error...

Can't remember what deal is but there is a way to get the 0 - 60ft to miss read...


Fast Guy

Staff member
Wheelie ing the front wheels over the beam, so it starts on the rears could help:lol:


Still waiting on some shims!
Can't remember if its to do with you waiting at the line for a while after the lights have gone green... Can see some silly 60ft times...

I really can't remember but i did read about it somewhere...


Fast Guy

Staff member
I've just done a search and wonder if it's this. I knew about deep and shallow staging, but always forget to try it on the strip.

Track employees occasionally check the roll out of each lane with a tape measure and a disk that is 15 inches for the purpose of this explanation. If you barely turn on the staged (second) bulb you are at the beginning of the "roll-out-zone". That means you can travel forward 15 inches before the timer starts! That is referred to as a very shallow stage. It is the opposite of a deep stage.

A deep stage is when you pull forward far enough that the top bulb (prestage) actually goes out. Remember, it is the second light beam that determines you have left the line and starts the timer. Now for the part you won't believe. It sounds like an algebra problem but bear with me.

My friend has a car that travels the quarter mile in 9.75 seconds when he shallow stages. But if he deep stages, the same car will earn a 9.90 time slip. Anyone who has to race against a hard index (7.90, 8.90, 9.90...etc) is very familiar with this principle. It allows you to fine tune your times. With a 9.90 car, the difference between a deep and shallow stage is 15 hundredths of a second. With slower vehicles, it's more. My 10.90 Vega gave up over 2 tenths if I deep staged vs. shallow. It had 1.45 60ft times.

It has a lot to do with how fast your car can cover the first couple feet of track. I bet you our Neons give up over 4 tenths of a second on a deep stage. That's because the slower vehicle takes longer to cover the first 15 inches of track beyond the starting line. The bottom line is; if you are careless about how deep you roll into the second beam, with a 15 second vehicle, you could be giving away 3 to 4 tenths of a second easy! It's safe to say you could give away a little over a tenth, just by rolling into the beams 5 inches too far.

Remember, even if you don't officially deep stage but aren't as shallow as you could be, the principal is always there, so shallow stage for the best time slip! Where else can you pick up a tenth or two while spending no money at all? A shallow stage (instead of a sloppy stage) will help your 60 foot time, your 1/4 mile time, your consistency and your MPH...It's like a legal head start. Experiment with this .. (after you get over the initial fear of the guy at the starting line).

Big O

i would try experiment but havnt got a clue what you have just said lmfao can we have it in plain english

Fast Guy

Staff member
Another thought I just had was, depending how high the beam is above the track, a low front spoiler may be setting it off, so the wheels are actually a good foot behind where they should be:?

Fast Guy

Staff member
I found I seemed to launch better on the standard suspension and clutch. I could never wheel spin it anyway. So I'm not sure if it's the stiffer set up I have now or the dizzy heights of 280bhp:doh: