Swift GTi breaking problem - "squeeling noises" HE



I know this aint a Swift GTi site, but you guys seem more clued up, so im gonna ask away (I am importing an R next year guys)...

Basically its single pot front and back, front discs seem fine, but the rear.... :cry:

Basically one sides worse than the other, but the outside of the disc is only breaking on the inside of the disk, (half the disc surface its using)... The outer half thats not getting no pad on it is corroding... Also ive recently figured when i corner hard to the right, they squeel like hell!

Ive had the calipers off, discs off etc, new pads, skimmed the disc, got rid of all the crap, checked the pistons aint seized, checked the two arm sliders that allow the outer pad to be pulled onto the disc aren't seized.. Well one was seized, ive free'd it off, its fine now and slides, and still breaking on half a disc..

Cleaned up the inside of the calipers where the pads sit and slide, thats all fine, lubed it with copper grease, its all good... AND ITS STILL BREAKING ON HALF A DISC! :twisted:

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :!: :!: :!: :cry: :cry: :cry:


Good point... Cuz when i corner, the breaks squeel... Which could mean wheel bearings are rolling over as i corner (putting effort on the bearing)...

But how could this effect it only breaking on half the disc?


New Member
The disk will move with the bearing but the caliper will stay rigid, therefore leaving the disk at a different angle to the caliper/pads like this :arrow: ]/[

I'm no expert and have no idea what your setup is, but this seems like a feasable explination, especially seeing as it appears to be the only thing you haven't checked yet and you now say that you hear squeaking when cornering which suggests that something is moving.


Mate, from ur first post, thats what i thought, but wanted you to confirm in second post which u have...

(im saying i only thought of it when u said)...

Im putting new wheel bearings in tonight, i'll let you know tomorrow if it solves anything! cheers matey! :D

Also, rear discs could be out of line, so im going to skim them once ive changed wheel bearings... Cheers again!