pulsarmark said:
well worth getting it set up on the rollers fella as when i bought my first r i had it on the rollers it only produced 220bhp but then after a set up it made 340bhp.

But what does he have to set up ? The boost controller is already set up for 1 bar (1 Kg/mm actually), and he doesn't mention and fuel controller or timing controller. Without them, all the dyno operator could do is adjust his base timing !
Never the less, it would still be worth while, taking a few runs on a dyno. You could then remedy any possible problems the runs reveal.
A word of warning though, don't take what the dyno operator, of the print outs tell you as gospel. When I put mine on a dyno for the first time, it came off and the operator and AFR graph, reported that it was running lean (dangerously so) throughout the rev and load range. However, the car runs like a dream and despite changing the FPR and fuel pump, as well as cleaning the fuel filter, the car still runs exactly the same as it did.
In the past, I've had issues at MOT time as, they couldn't get a good emissions reading from the exhaust due to my tailpipe/rear box design. And when I checked back at the video of my car on the dyno, the operator fiddled with the exhaust probe on every run.......
Just my experience.