Possible clutch problem??

Hey all, just got back from Le Mans 24hr race, which i took the R down to. It made it down there fine, but on the way back whenever i put my foot down and the revs went over 4000rpm it would go crazy and rev itself to 5000rpm but speed wouldnt increase - felt like i was on the clutch pedal but i wasnt..Is this whats called clutch slipping?? Ive never had a car with a dodgy clutch so dont know. Recently had the clutch master and slave cylinders changed as i had trouble selecting gears and the fluid was black. I know the clutch has been in there a while..

Also, popped the bonnet on the way back and there was a rather large amount of black oil that had sprayed out the BOV - i changed the oil before i left and its that usual light brown colour on the dipstick, so whats this black stuff from :?

On a positive note though, it ran fine all the way down, only used 3.5 tanks of petrol there and back, and had plenty of waves and thumbs up. Didnt spot another Pulsar down there unfortunately..




Active Member
That does sound strange.

Take the car out for a run and stick it in 4th at fairly low revs, then floor it. Once the car comes on boost, you should feel the resultant acceleration. If the revs just go up and the car doesn't go any faster, that's clutch slippage. The sensation is like wheel spinning. I.e. engine revs away but, the car speed doesn't change !

As for the oil coming out of the BOV, it could just be old oil in your oil separator (do you still have the OE one ?), that's got into the intake. Take all the intake track off (intercooler, MAF to turbo pipe etc) and check for the oil in there. If there is any, use petrol or parafin to clean it all.
If this is the problem, once it's cleaned, the car will feel more responsive !

On a different note, I'm very jealous of your trip. I planned to do this a couple of years ago but, it fell through. I just hope I can get down there sometime soon in the future and preferably in the GTiR !!
Cheers for the reply mate. Yes that wheelspinning feeling is exactly what its like. Just been out for another run and it still does it, but only around 4000rpm - revs shoot to 5000, speed stays same.. New clutch time then i guess?

Yes i do still have the original oil separator. I was planning on getting another one just for engine bay looks lol - i dont actually know what these things do, not clued up on turboed engines at all :der:

As for Le Mans - you have to do it at least once (though once you've been, you'll always go back - this was my 6th year). Its always a very good time and the cars down there that you are camping with are so cool - this year we spotted several Ford GTs, a McLaren SLR, countless Ferraris, Lambos, Porsches etc etc, plus all the classics like D types, AC Cobras etc 8) Will upload my pics soon, also got some vids of campsite antics, people doing burnouts etc, but they were in the dark so can only really see a pair of car headlights but the sounds give away whats going on :lol:




Active Member
dan-hipgrave said:
i dont actually know what these things do, not clued up on turboed engines at all :der:
The OE one doesn't do much at all !! :lol:

Get yourself a Cusco one or similar and vent it to atmosphere. It'll then work exactly as it should and you won't have oil mist in your intake track any more !!

Get those piccy's of Le Mans up too !!
Cheers for the help guys. Now just have to find out how much a garage would charge for a clutch change or whether i should do it myself...

Will get my Le Mans pics uploaded tonight - wont be able to load up any of the race though as those were all taken on a decent camera and are 4mb each, but got plenty of the cars being worked on in the pit lane, all the historic race cars and a couple of supercars that were spotted :thumbsup:

