Oily Sparkplugs



Bit of a weird one this, I've noticed that my R chucks out a bit of smoke, not oily smoke but smells like the car is running very rich (which expalins the amount of flames it puts out :D ) So I thought I'd have a bit of a check over it at the weekend. Pulled out all the plugs and they are all quite oily around the thread etc. Did a compression test as I suspected the worse and got 150 psi on all four pots so I rekon that rules out any piston/ring probs. Took off the oil filler cap and it smells of petrol :shock: could this be related? and the cause of the smoking? Any help would be much appreciated.



Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
is there oil at the top of the sparkplug hole? there are rubber seals in the top that can leak down around the spark plug and when you pull it out you have oil on the threads :wink:

heaven is a gtir (bry)

I didnt find out my piston rings were gone until i did a leak test on the chambers. :cry:

This is when you take the plug out and force compressed air into the chambers and then take the oil filler cap off slowly while listening for air leaking out.

Do the plugs one at a time.

My compression test was ok. 155 :evil:

Bry :D


Staff member
If the plugs are oily it has to be coming from somewhere, are you losing any oil. My engine was and got worse just before it went pop. No great compression loss in advance as power was the same right up until it went pop. The plugs were fine too.



Thanks for the replys guys, car doesn't seem to be using lots of oil, Possibly 'O' Rings (hopefully) this would be the least painful to my wallet!