Not pulling strong and clutch has gone really lite


Active Member
hi all,
thought i`d just got everything sorted but its not to be!!

went for a ride tonight and the car just isn`t pulling. Boosting is hitting smack on a bar but its not pulling well and almost stopping reving as it goes past 5k. fault code check 55 so thats all good. any ideas?

me clutch has also gone really really light. it used to be stupidly heavy at the bite point and creak slightly when warm but during a shift the other day its gone really light. shifting hasn`t been affected, shall i start saving for a new one?

cheers ollie


check the connector plug to the afm, they have a habit of making a bad contact (especially if the lockwire is missing), could be a faulty afm if the connector seems ok!

no idea what clutch prob could be though:? , as long as it goes into gear and is not slipping then i wouldnt worry about it


Active Member
afternoon this might be of the mark but i had a similar problem with my daily runaround (punto),i ended up having to change the clutch slave cylinder because the rubber seal failed and it started pissing hydraulic fluid everywhere,hence when the fluid was empty i couldnt change gear,the clutch pedal became that light that i nearly pushed the pedal through the floor with the slightest of touches,it was only a 20 minute job to change,bearing in mind that theres plenty of space in the engine bay.


Active Member
bobby, by afm you mean the air flow meter? i`ll check the connector as it might be loose as the filter ain`t connected to anything solid and i was fiddling around there the other night.

the car still goes into gear as badly as it did before, 2nd and 3rd mainly (5th at high revs). i`ll check the slave cylinder though.

Would taking some datalogs help with my blatz software?


Active Member
think my air flow sensor is hitting the suspension turrent when i accelerating and this could be knackering the connect inside. wobbled it aound tonight then went for a drive and it was fine, what bracket shou hold the maf up. i`ve got a K&N on it.


just make a bracket up ollie out of a bit of metal.
when you come down to pick the bits up you need il dig you one out if you havent made one by then, but really is a piece of p1ss to make one up.


Active Member
fair enough mate, i`ll have a go at doing something this weekend.
that turbo half is being welded on nights as we speak mate. i`ll post some pics when its been repaired.
cheers ollie


Active Member
Update With Datascan Graph

Hi all, filled the tank up and seems to be running better (not sure whether its related or not). was wondering if its an inefficient filter picking up dirt when the tank gets low??

i`m going to have to take off the fuel pump to definately confirm which it is as won`t i need to know this in order to get a new fuel filter (or is it a generic one?)

here below is a 3rd gear pull i did down the private runway tonight!!
i notice that the timing is altering throughout the rev range. the timing fluctuates between 10 lowest and 23 at the highest (around 6.2k when i let off). is this normal?



Active Member
bought a fuel filter today after SEARCHING and finding that there`s a filter in the engine bay awell as on the pump.

anybody got any comments, advice on the other above post?