Styling in or out... that a good question. I went to this car show late last year and I still can't make my mind up if I like it or not. It's a crazy scene where some of the cars are real show cars, some are race cars with a sense of humour whilst other are just plain weird. Typical car show then!
Here is a quote from Wiki
Itasha (痛車 ?) is a Japanese term for an otaku fad of individuals decorating the bodies of their cars with fictional characters of anime, manga, or video games (especially bishōjo game or eroge). These characters are predominately "cute" female. The decorations usually involve paint schemes and stickers. Automobiles are called Itasha, while similar motorcycles and bicycles are called itansha (痛単車 ?) and itachari (痛チャリ ?), respectively.
I was tempted to put these in the spotted section as if you look down I spotted a GtiR in the midst of all this which is only the second I've seen in the country! It had a roll cage and was stripped out a little which is cool but it had different wheels front and back which was kind of weird. Overall I was impressed with the effort put into the cars but less was definitely more for me where stickers are concerned.
I thought I'd finally post it all up for Martyn.
Trying to get the Fuji building into the shot in the background and failing
Its a bloke in a dress playing on his one arm bandit in the back of his van... obviously!
It's pretty scary from the front too!
Manga car show chicks
This was obviously stuck on for the show but I had to stop myself from laughing too hard whilst taking the photo
Here is a quote from Wiki
Itasha (痛車 ?) is a Japanese term for an otaku fad of individuals decorating the bodies of their cars with fictional characters of anime, manga, or video games (especially bishōjo game or eroge). These characters are predominately "cute" female. The decorations usually involve paint schemes and stickers. Automobiles are called Itasha, while similar motorcycles and bicycles are called itansha (痛単車 ?) and itachari (痛チャリ ?), respectively.
I was tempted to put these in the spotted section as if you look down I spotted a GtiR in the midst of all this which is only the second I've seen in the country! It had a roll cage and was stripped out a little which is cool but it had different wheels front and back which was kind of weird. Overall I was impressed with the effort put into the cars but less was definitely more for me where stickers are concerned.
I thought I'd finally post it all up for Martyn.

Trying to get the Fuji building into the shot in the background and failing

Its a bloke in a dress playing on his one arm bandit in the back of his van... obviously!

It's pretty scary from the front too!

Manga car show chicks

This was obviously stuck on for the show but I had to stop myself from laughing too hard whilst taking the photo