compression test



Did a compression test on my car

Cylinder 1 - 155psi
Cylinder 2 - 135psi
Cylinder 3 - 155psi
Cylinder 4 - 155psi

But Dave and I did find a leaky injector on cylinder number 2 (fixed now) so it could of been running lean.

Fast Guy

Staff member
bean said:
Did a compression test on my car

Cylinder 1 - 155psi
Cylinder 2 - 135psi
Cylinder 3 - 155psi
Cylinder 4 - 155psi

But Dave and I did find a leaky injector on cylinder number 2 (fixed now) so it could of been running lean.
If it was leaking for a while, you could have had some petrol in your cylinder, washing the oil off the bore on start up, accelerating wear and leading to the lower compression on that cylinder.


So it looks like 8bar (118psi) is low :roll: what I didn't mention is that the car has Forged pistons but the head gasket is standard, does this make any difference :?:

Also, the young lad's car is a bit noisy cause the shimms need setting up "Big Job" :?:

Cheers Bryan

Fast Guy

Staff member
blr123 said:
what I didn't mention is that the car has Forged pistons but the head gasket is standard, does this make any difference :?:
It would if they were low compression pistons, but I'm not sure how much.


Thanks Fast Guy,

They were supplied by Norris Designs if that makes any difference, I'm thinking that they possibly supply specific types ie low compresion :?:

Cheers Bryan