Clutch issue

Think i may have a possible developing problem with the clutch in my R - sometimes there is no resistance in the pedal at all when its pushed down. It bites ok and selects gears ok, its just one time in twenty presses of the clutch, my foot will go through the floorpan!

The fluid level is at max, no signs of leaking along any pipework or inside the footwell. As far as i know the clutch hasnt been replaced recently but i believe the slave cylinder has been replaced not too long ago..

Would it be worth giving it a fluid change? DOT 4 ok?


Active Member
I had the same problem mate and it cost me a full suspension set up and a set of wheels when i couldnt change down a gear and was going too fast and crashed into a big curb i had no leaks or any signs of anything to do with master or slave (previously checked because of syptoms you describe) i changed them both and its been fine ever since very comforting so id change them they arent as expensive as suspension and wheels so its worth doing and its easy to do.

Before any one says anything about crashing we all know how much speed changing down a gear can take off thats probably the most unluckiest thing ever to happen what a time to fail !!