air fuel gauges


New Member
Does anyone know where i can get a decent a/f gauge ie hks or blitz etc.
can u give web addresses and pictures please. cheers nis


New Member
Is there anyone on here that has an a/f gauge fitted in there car? and can reccomend a decent one,it has to be accurate and look good.cheers nis.


I have one from
cost me $15AUD. Its an electronic kit, you solder it and it even has a pot to adjust the range of the gauge (as most people know the R sensor doesnt operate in the 0-1V but more like 0.5-1.5V range). Has 10 LEDs which work exactly the same way as autometer and other gauges, with the same degree of accuracy (accuracy is mostly dependant on the O2 sensor anyways).

If you spent a bit of time, you can mount it anywhere. I mounted mine where the coin holder was and it looks a treat. Can also set it to bar mode, but one LED at a time looks better. Has saved my car before when fuel pump wasn't working properly. Car would hesitate, then next time i gave it a hit, anything above 5psi would lean out, the gauge would go red.

Cheap and effective gauge.

They also have a variety of fuel mixture displays, this one is the cheapest, they also have others which require less soldering and has a digital display

Personally i cant justify spending 8 times the money for something which works just the same as this.


PS can also get it from on the online store


Active Member
Yes they do do afr ones as i've got one and so has Dave (antilag) they come with there own sensor ect so will be far more accurate than the ones that use the standard sensors but you can still only use it as a guide really :wink: